Dear Friends
Well, David Gale’s Peachy Coochy Nites continue to storm through in a torrent of diversity and unexpected pleasure. David, your curator, not readily given to pumping his own patch, feels compelled, nevertheless, to observe:
“Yes, the wide variety! Goodness me, the aplomb! Heavens, what laughs and deep thought! “
(David, 19/03/08)
We rammed them in again and the oaken rafters echoed to their jollity. On Thursday March 27th we will be convening once more, with another programme of great mixture drawn from many walks. Please come along for this live yet screen-based art’n’entertainment special!

The third Peachy Coochy occasion will be held, as usual, in the Bar at Toynbee Studios. Tickets £5.00. Booking advised but walk up welcome.
more details + map here:
This is what you get:

David Gale’s Peachy Coochy Nites
Just a projector and 20 images. Just 20 seconds per image. During those 20 seconds the Presenter talks about the image. So simple. So precise. So demanding. This is the Peachy Coochy Way.
David Gale, ever keen to launch a nationwide performance must-have, is curating a series of Peachy Coochy events at ArtsAdmin’s new, stylish yet reassuring Bar. Each event features six Coocheurs, or Presenters, drawn from many walks of life. Each Coocheur will compose a verbal response to 20 images of their choice. The images need not be narratively linked but randomness is frowned upon. Thematic associations are embraced. Each presentation lasts 6 minutes and 40 seconds. There will be gaps between presentations for drinking and light conversation.
It might be that a typical Peachy Coochy event contains contributions from, say, a reliable yet inevitably narcissistic performer, a lepidopterist, a nun, a surgeon, a robber.
David Gale, something of a Black Belt in these matters, will both compere and present in the course of the novel and fabulous evening. In the course of the second Nite David’s style was at times wry, at times coy, at times deceitful, at times quite frankly likeable, at some points smug. He used French twice.
We have six Coocheurs, including myself, lined up. I have no idea what the others will do.
Please come along, if only to be able to say “I was there when David launched that thing that toppled karaoke.”
Some of you, pleased by the Nite, may wish to compose your own presentations. See me afterwards.
all the best

Peachy: Ad: 28.02.08
Peachy: Ad: 24.04.08